Friday 20 May 2016

Greatness of Humans

Hai friends!!
Now i'm gonna reveal what happened when we were being created by God..
God telling, after creating all animals and trees, with his wife..
God:Dear! Now i'm gonna create a wonderful animal.
Wife:What is that!!!
God:It's Human.
Wife:Why is it wonderful,Dear!
God:I'm gonna give this animal many powers and infinite potentials with which he can control rest of my creation. Most importantly I'm blessing him with a fantabulous power..with which he can even conquer and win against me.
Wife:What is the power dear!
Wife:Be careful Dear! This was how you used to give  boons to demons return,you were tormented with your boons. I suggest not to give that power to Humans.
God:What you said is correct, Dear! But,without that power my creation is worthless. What to do!!!
Wife: Then hide power somewhere in your creation.
God: YEsss!! But wherever i try to hide the power..human, with his ability, can very easily find it out. So only place where he has to search hard is his ...BRAIN. I'll hide it within it.
Wife: Wise,dear!! To bring the power out from Brain..human needs lot of knowledge of his ownself and a lot more..which is really hard.

Yes my dear friends...although i don't have historical proofs of the conversation(might be imaginary) is logically correct, isn't it!
With wisdom..we can conquer any thing..even beyond sun..Here the point is we need to realize it as it is within us...have to concentrate our brain to bring it out....
That's what greate Legend Swamy Vivekananda said...All power is Within you...You have infinite potential... concludes our speciality is within us..which is WISDOM..which keeps us apart from rest of creation.
Use it Constructively..
Take care..
Good day..

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