Saturday 28 May 2016

Interesting fact:How can u get water freezed faster in your refrigerator

John suddenly came to know he is gonna have guests on a hot afternoon just before their arrival. He needs ice but if he keep normal water he was sure he will definitely end up with just cold water with little ice.
So..what he did?!!!
He heated water for some time..and then kept in freezer...Guests arrived...
Amazingly water was completely frozen...Wow!!!
You might be wondering, even though he heated water, how he still got his water frozen...even faster!!!!
Yes it is TRUE.
Hot water freezes faster than normal water.
This is called as Mpemba Effect, named after a Tanzanian student who discovered  that a hot ice cream mix freezes faster than a cold mix in cookery classes in the early 1960s.(However, the effect has been noted by many scientists throughout the history including Aristole, Franicis Bacon.)
Why this it is happening!!!
We know that water is most abundant and most useful fluid..and mysterious too...
It has many peculiar phenomenon such as:
Unlike remaining matter, water's solid form(ice) has less density than liquid form .. which is why ice floats on water...
And Mpemba effect is one such effect...there are some explanations for this effect as following..
1.Warm containers make better thermal contact with a refrigerator and so conduct heat more efficiently. Hence the faster freezing.
2.Warm water evaporates rapidly and since this is an endothermic process, it cools the water making it freeze more quickly.

However, none of the explanations so far are entirely convincing.

Let us not bother about why it so...use it to server our purpose...
Take care,buddy..
Good day.

Sunday 22 May 2016

Why most of Government employees are lazy..!!!

Well, in last posts i was discussing about memory techniques..

Now let me discuss some general issue...Why most of Government employees are lazy!!

It is very common in some countries(especially India) having very less productivity in government bodies.
And employees engaging in some other works during work hours. e.g.,Government doctor working in his private hospital during his work hours.
The answer why these people are very simple....let me illustrate with an example..
Suppose a college is having privilege of getting placements irrespective of academic performance or skill of students.
Can we expect student of that college having any quality.!!!(mostly)
Simply that is what happening with most of the Government employees..i.e., they are having no threat to  SECURITY.
You can get something done by a person(getting productivity) by showing benefit or fear.
Anyway..Government employees are getting all benefits as soon as they placed including security..promotion also will be given based on benefit is not driving them.
Now ..let's talk fear...there are no threats or fears for government employees as they are having security of job guaranteed.
That may be why most of the government employees sitting lazily without making justice to the salary they are getting.

If you take corporate employees...
1.benefit:here extra benefit(promotion) will be given to those who gives good productivity.
2.fear: here person will surely be fired if he fails giving his security
Hence in private sector..both benefit and fear drives an employee to produce his best to survive..whereas this driving criterion is not in government sector.

In my opinion solution to above problem
->Implementing private policies in government sector...possible
->privatising everything..hardly possible..

Feel free to comment your opinion..
Take care..
Good day..

Friday 20 May 2016

Greatness of Humans

Hai friends!!
Now i'm gonna reveal what happened when we were being created by God..
God telling, after creating all animals and trees, with his wife..
God:Dear! Now i'm gonna create a wonderful animal.
Wife:What is that!!!
God:It's Human.
Wife:Why is it wonderful,Dear!
God:I'm gonna give this animal many powers and infinite potentials with which he can control rest of my creation. Most importantly I'm blessing him with a fantabulous power..with which he can even conquer and win against me.
Wife:What is the power dear!
Wife:Be careful Dear! This was how you used to give  boons to demons return,you were tormented with your boons. I suggest not to give that power to Humans.
God:What you said is correct, Dear! But,without that power my creation is worthless. What to do!!!
Wife: Then hide power somewhere in your creation.
God: YEsss!! But wherever i try to hide the power..human, with his ability, can very easily find it out. So only place where he has to search hard is his ...BRAIN. I'll hide it within it.
Wife: Wise,dear!! To bring the power out from Brain..human needs lot of knowledge of his ownself and a lot more..which is really hard.

Yes my dear friends...although i don't have historical proofs of the conversation(might be imaginary) is logically correct, isn't it!
With wisdom..we can conquer any thing..even beyond sun..Here the point is we need to realize it as it is within us...have to concentrate our brain to bring it out....
That's what greate Legend Swamy Vivekananda said...All power is Within you...You have infinite potential... concludes our speciality is within us..which is WISDOM..which keeps us apart from rest of creation.
Use it Constructively..
Take care..
Good day..

Having problem with remembering u have solution..II

Hi all..
In last post I discussed one way to remember things(link system).
Now I'm gonna discuss another..
Suppose we need to remember following things in order...

For this we have a technique called First letter technique..
Make a word using first letters of the list and try to remember it..
Above list results...
To remember the word try this sentence..
AHMOD lost his D(Diary) and remained as AHMO and gave complaint in City Crime Sectoin.
U can try for different things..
Take care..

Having problem with remembering u have solution..I

Hai folks..!
Conversation between a couple was as following..
WIfe:Dear! Tomorrow guests are coming..for them bring 2 toothbrushes while you return home.
Husband: ok Dear!
Wife:Bring  also bring playing cards.
Husband: ok.
Wife: Forgot to tell you..wheat flour also exhausted..bring one kg of it.
Husband: ok.
WIfe: Also..bisleri water bottles,eggs,potato,biscuit packets,soap and shampoo,lemons are needed.
Husband: ok.
Wife: How can you remember all ..just write down so that u won't miss anything.
Husband: No dear! not needed.
Wife: I don't think so..
Husband: U will see..

In the evening.. to the surprise of wife..husband brought everything without leaving one.

How was it possible..
What husband did to remember all!!
Very simple he created some story using all as follows..
"We need to brush up as soon as we i need to bring brushes
Then drinking water bottles..
Then taking soap and shampoo..
Then having break-fast..So for chapathi as break fast ..we need Wheat flour to make chapathi
Then..after have some fun time..playing cards to play..
Then comes..lunch..for that ..eggs and prepare curries..
As it is summer..on mid noon..lemon water is good for lemons..
Finally..for evening snacks.. biscuit packets..."
Work Done!!!

U know what happened here..making a story around the list makes your brain remember everything at we know brains remembers stories accurately rather lists.

So..Try making a connecting story to remember a list ...the story may be related to anything..may be a movie story or something you know accurately.

It is just one technique folks!!
Keep visiting know more exciting ways..makes you remember.
Take care..friend!

Why this...!!!

Hello! everyone...
Welcome to my blog..."Kalpa Vruksh"..
Why that title...!!
Kalpa Vruksh sanskrit means..A tree below which all desires may be fulfilled
Similarly..this blog also gonna provide you great information from various fields..which will definitely aid making your life much enthusiastic..and may also help you reaching your goals..
Thank you for Visiting...and following..
Keep visiting for exciting posts...Take care..