Saturday 25 August 2018

An insightful interpretation on Law of Attraction.

    A buzzword in the realm of Personality development is Law of Attraction. Most western authors such as Napoleon Hill states the law when they wanna tell a law for sure success.

For those who are new to the law, here goes it's definition:
    The Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on.
    To simply put, we get what we desire, provided the desire is strong enough and we give our 100% focus to it.

It can be further elaborated as...
    Whatever we wanna become/achieve, we have to believe that we can surely achieve it, we have to think about it all the time and we have to visualize ourselves as if we have achieved it...then, there is no doubt in fulfilling our desire to become/achieve something.

Sorry for the fans of the above law... It's just a bluff.

It's just a speculative philosophical conclusion made by modern society.

The following examples disprove the Law of Attraction.

>>> I want to become president of America.
    I'll believe it completely. I'll think about it all the time. I'll visualize myself as American President. And...then, I surely will not become president of America, since I'm not citizen of America and neither I'm born to citizen of America(Laws of America do not permit a person to become President of America unless he is a natural citizen of America).
 But according to the law of attraction it should happen, isn't it?

You may not be so much convinced with it. Let me give another illustration.
>>> Problems in our lives.
    Each one of us gets problems. Why do they come?? Do we desire problems? Do we constantly visualize that we'll be surrounded by problems? NO!! We don't!

But still why problems comes to us??
    According to the law of Attraction, what we desire and constantly focus on, we'll get it. That means the things which we don't desire or focus on, shouldn't come to us! But why problems are coming into our lives?

Hence, disproved!!!

My intention is not to take pleasure in going against the views of the speculative law makers.
This law has ill effects on young brains.

Many young pals are strongly rubbed this law to their minds. As a result, they started thinking about their desires (goals) so seriously such that failure of fulfilling the desire is making them depressed. (Sometimes leading to suicide)
If you don't get what you've striven or desired for, it's okay...may be it's not your cup of tea! Go on!!

Purpose of Life is not just working hard for material possessions. Don't take them so seriously.

Then, what is Purpose of Life!

Well, that's not the topic of this post! May be in forthcoming posts!!

Note: I'm open for discussion on the content been written on this post.